Key Endpoints
1. Sanitization API
Endpoint: POST /sanitize
Purpose: Redacts sensitive information based on context and domain.
Request Parameters:
- text (required): The raw text to sanitize.
- domain (optional): Context-specific domain (e.g., Health or Finance).
- context_mappings (optional): Redaction map if one exists from previous conversations.
- context (optional): Redacted history of conversation.
Response Parameters:
is_sensitive: Indicates if sensitive data was detected.
context_mappings: Redactions generated by the API. To be used for de-sanitization and subsequent sanitization API calls
sanitized_text: Text with sensitive details contextually redacted.
status: Success if the sanitization was done successfully
reason: If sanitization status is Fail, reason for it. Some reasons:- Prompt has Code
- Invalid conversation id
- Too long input text
Sample API Call: Sanitization
curl -X POST "" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $WALD_API_KEY" \ -d '{ "text": "The doctor reviewed the medical report of John Doe, a 65 year old male, who presented with symptoms of chest pain and shortness of breath.Based on the findings, the patient has been advised to follow up with a cardiologist and adhere to a low-sodium diet. .", "domain": "Health", "context": "", "context_mappings": "" }'
{ "is_sensitive": true, "sanitization_result": { "status": "Success", "reason": "" }, "context_mappings": { "[REDACTED AGE1]": "65", "REDACTED PATIENT1]": "John Doe" }, “sanitized_text”: “The doctor reviewed the medical report of [REDACTED PATIENT1], a [REDACTED AGE1] year old male, who presented with symptoms of chest pain and shortness of breath.Based on the findings, the patient has been advised to follow up with a cardiologist and adhere to a low-sodium diet.”}
2. De-sanitization API
Endpoint: POST /desanitize
Purpose: Reconstructs original text from sanitized input using obfuscation maps.
Request Parameters:
- redacted_text (required): The sanitized text.
- context_mappings (required): Redaction map to be used for desanitization.
Response Parameters:
- desanitized_text : Reconstructed original text.
Sample API Call: De-Sanitization
curl -X POST "" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $WALD_API_KEY" \ -d '{ "redacted_text": "The doctor reviewed the medical report of [REDACTED PATIENT1], a [REDACTED AGE1] year old male, who presented with symptoms of chest pain and shortness of breath.Based on the findings, the patient has been advised to follow up with a cardiologist and adhere to a low-sodium diet", "context_mappings": { "[REDACTED AGE1]": "65", "[REDACTED PATIENT1]": "John Doe" } }'
{ "desanitized_text": "The doctor reviewed the medical report of John Doe, a 65 year old male, who presented with symptoms of chest pain and shortness of breath.Based on the findings, the patient has been advised to follow up with a cardiologist and adhere to a low-sodium diet.", }
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